
Ed edd n eddy sound effects mama
Ed edd n eddy sound effects mama

A continued Jazz music playing "Santa Claus, Don't Be Late" ends.)

  • (Fade in, A long-shot view of Junkyard is seen.
  • A continued Jazz music playing "Santa Claus, Don't Be Late" again).
  • (Shires Animation Studios logo: The shorter version.
  • A continued Jazz music playing "Santa Claus, Don't Be Late" again.)

    ed edd n eddy sound effects mama

    Then the word "Shires" zooms back to take its place on the castle, A circular line is drawn over the castle (in the same vein as the previous logo), which is situated on a cloudy sunset landscape, and then fade out. We continue to fly forward line up and encircle the castle and mountain ahead. We follow the as they skim the lake and create ripples. As the flies towards us, we follow the star to reveal that we were looking at the reflection of a lake. (Fade in, On a dark cloudy background, water bubble when splash we see shooting stars flying towards us, a mirrored reference to the previous logo.(A continued Jazz music playing "Santa Claus, Don't Be Late").

    ed edd n eddy sound effects mama

    A continued Jazz music playing "Santa Claus, Don't Be Late".)

    ed edd n eddy sound effects mama

    (Shires 2011 logo: The short version of the 2011 CGI castle.The company name is darker and appears to have a "shining" effect applied to it. We then see Leo, the ribboning, mask and the words "TRADE MARK" on both sides (from the previous logo, all in gold and metallic) ease back with the ribbons moving, as "Metro Goldwyn Mayer" appears shimmering and eases itself above the ribboning. The image pulls back to reveal that it is a pupil, a close-up of Leo's eye.

    ed edd n eddy sound effects mama

  • (On a black background, we see flickers of light.
  • (Drum roll and Opening Jazz Fanfare intro and instrumental Jazz playing "Santa Claus, Don't Be Late" on back background.).

  • Ed edd n eddy sound effects mama