
Download buku slameto pdf
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As we have seen in the past 72 hours, when preparing to evacuate, it's important to also think about our furry family members and include them in emergency plans.Īlthough many residents have been allowed to return home, there are still thousands of people who are displaced and with the lack of rain and warm temperatures. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the family welfare education student at Padang State University has a very low perception of the subject.Between the seven fires taking place in San Diego County, more than 44,000 homes have been evacuated. The results of this study illustrate: 1) Student perceptions about the implementation of Restaurants and Catering courses as a whole are in the very low category, and 2) Student perceptions about the implementation of Restaurants and Catering courses based on three research indicators are in the medium category. Data analysis technique is done by determining the frequency distribution of data and data classification techniques based on the calculation of scores using the ideal average research formula (Mi) and standard deviation (Sdi). The technique of collecting research data is done by using a questionnaire that is designed based on a Likert scale and has been tested for validity and reliability. Data sources are students who have taken Restaurants and Catering courses. The study population consisted of 48 students from the Family Welfare Study Program at the State University of Padang with a total sample of 48 people taken based on total sampling technique. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study. This study aims to describe: 1) Students perceptions about the implementation of Restaurant and Catering courses as a whole, and 2) Students perceptions about Restaurants and Catering courses based on research indicators.

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